Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue

Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue
Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rebecca Dmytryk, Wildlife Emergency Services gets called out by true experts

Someone in a Yahoo group posted about a trapped animal. Rebecca Dmytryk the self professed "expert" responded with this crap. Rebecca Dmytryk charges for advice, illegal trapping, anything she can because she doesn't have a job. She lives off her for profit non-profit. Remember Rebecca Dmytryk has never had a rehab permit ever. She does not have a trapping permit, USDA permit, is not a licensed pest control operator, has no permits whatsoever. Here she is telling us rehabbers not to help people. We should refer them to her so she can make money off the animal. This is why Rebecca Dmytryk is so nasty. We do all of this for free. We don't charge because we care about animals.

"PLEASE refer callers to one of our local humane wildlife control specialists. You can find them listed here:


Just give them any of those numbers or give them our number 855-548-6263 so we can deal with them appropriately. By that I mean, we can talk them through and talk them in to giving us their address, usually.

There are plenty of solutions, but each situation is different, so please, do not give out advice, leave it to the specialists who deal with ___ like this every day. Okay?

Another thing is, We - those of us who are competing with the exterminators - we need the jobs (and the animals need our help) - so don't try and solve a person's problem with free advice - give them "our" numbers. Please.

Rebecca Dmytryk
Wildlife Emergency Services"

Here are some responses to Rebecca Dmytryk's nonsense.

"I thought this group is about sharing information.  We are all capable people and if we are giving out wrong information, then tell us what the right answer should be.  Your insistence on being the only one capable of helping callers is not a helpful solution.  Telling us not to give free advice and to send them to you so that you can make money, isn’t either."

"my thoughts also Laura   thank you"

"We are " it" here in Tahoe - no one else to give info or any humane wildlife specialists so we HAVE to have it right!"

Rebecca Dmytryk makes a ridiculous reply. She says she isn't the only one capable of helping. Then she says she is the only one capable of helping. She knows full well warden won't do a damn thing. Here she says that rehabbers should be referring her business so she can make money. Again, I do this for free. I am licensed. She is not.

"Let me be clear - Norma - Laura - I am NOT saying the I am the ONLY ONE capable of helping callers and I am NOT asking that all calls be sent to me - not at all!!!

I am asking that calls about nuisance wildlife go to those who are providing humane wildlife control services.

And, yes, it makes the most sense to let the experts handle it!

Case in point - today's call about the raccoon, if I'd handled it, for example, I'd have the address of the person and have contacted a warden by now.

Those of us who do this day in and day out are skilled at knowing what to say and how to say it… at least a good deal of the time. : )

Too often - daily, really, I get calls from people who are totally frustrated because a rehabber told them to put ammonia on a rag or mothballs in the crawlspace or whatever - and it didn't work (BECAUSE IT DOES NOT WORK!) and then I have a much, much, MUCH harder time asking them to work with me rather than call the exterminator!

Laura - what is it about referring humane wildlife control professionals that you don't agree with? Please answer.

It absolutely makes perfect sense for rehabbers to refer experts, and it's easy to just simply say "Let me send you to the experts who can help you with your wildlife problem. Here are their numbers…" - or take their number and email one of us to call them. Easy. And you don't have to spend time talking them through a situation that can take 10-20 minutes to do it the right way.

We need the support, too. Do you want us to fail or succeed at what we're trying to do here, Laura?

Support the humane wildlife control professionals, don't undermine us!

Rebecca Dmytryk"

Another reply.

"Rebecca  if you re-read your original email from our eyes  it does sound like  you are saying  you and yours are the only ones that can handle situation like this.     Not true, most of us were handling this stuff long before you and yours moved to N. Cal." and "you do not rehab."


"I get a lot of nuisance animal and trapping questions.  I get at least the phone number (I tell them that my phone is running low and would they give me their number so if it dies I can call them back or they show up on caller ID) and often get an address because they think I am going to drop everything and come out.  After 23 years I am comfortable in giving information, especially the problems of trapping and relocating, the issues of babies and yes, if you don't fix the problem you will be calling me back.

A majority of people do not want to pay for a service and never make the call to the referral but go ahead an take care of it themselves.

I find that as someone they know takes in these animals and cares for them they feel I am not only compassionate, as well as passionate, but knowledgeable.  I try not to tell them WHAT to do but what they should do.  Some people care about the animal and some could care less.

As far as contacting a warden, good luck!  I have contacted wardens, CalTip, Nicole and everyone possible to resolve a problem and no one ever followed through.  I will say, we got a new warden two years ago and I am having good luck with him at least making a call and he did go out, on a weekend, to get a baby squirrel from someone who would not give it up so I am very hopeful that this is finally going to be an option."

"I think there are a lot of resources and yours is certainly one that should be encouraged but rehabilitators are often the first responders to the problems and can answer many questions and do have the knowledge.  I don't think there is any one person who knows it all."

another reply

"Here in Humboldt we've been working to make "humane solutions" the policy of the county as well as trying to get local CDFW support. This hasn't been exactly like falling off a log. We don't have terrific support from the local CDFW office in Eureka - they seem to be pretty old school - and refer most of their calls to the county trapper, ie USDA Wildlife Services who have stupidly trapped and killed hundreds of raccoons, skunks, and opossums in the last 3 years (see for more detailed info)

We have started our Humane Solutions program, much like WildCare, Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue, and Lindsay Wildlife Museum, to address this by offering a real alternative. This has been effective case by case, but doesn't work very quickly n the big picture. So advocacy and outreach, which are mainstays of wildlife rehabilitators everywhere are necessary. Effective education for rehabilitators (no one is born knowing how to talk a crazy person who wants to trap a skunk down from the ledge) is critical. While professional services are awesome, in CA and many other places, those people are few and far between. When the choice is between a "county trapper" and trying to solve the problem over the phone at the time of the call, it's hard to pick referring the person to another entity whom they may or may not call."


"Two things to add:

1. WildCare successfully helped lobby Marin County to stop hiring a trapper. It was costing taxpayer money and we were able to convince the county that there were other ways that worked better than just shooting animals. Donkeys and llamas to protect sheep from coyotes, etc. Something to think about.

2. Wonderful news that CCWR is offering phone service coaching. I’d like to add that fundraising should be an integral part of that — not at the moment of the call, but if you are sure to get complete phone and mailing information, you can come back later in the season and send a fundraising appeal to those people. Our “Hotline” callers turn out to have an even better response (in the form of donations) than our clinic rescuers — and our phone staff doesn’t even get 1/3 of the callers' information! We end up having to go back over phone logs (essential!) and doing reverse lookups to get mailing addresses. These callers must be very grateful to have had the advice.  Think how many more donations we’d get if we could capture more info at the time of every call!"

I can tell you from personal experience that Rebecca Dmytryk does not know what the hell she is doing. In the Moorpark rabid bat incident I gave free consulting, advice, climbed on the roof, gave them a written plan all for free. Dmytryk heard about this and bad mouthed me to the city and other agencies along with crazy lady *****. All the agencies realized they were nuts and only worked with me. Rebecca Dmytryk wanted the city to pay her and her husband to replace the tile roof of all houses in that tract! That is the stupidest advice I have ever heard. Rebecca Dmytryk only wants money.

Rebecca Dmytryk, Rebecca Titus, WildRescue, Humane Wildlife Management, Wildlife paramedic, Wildlife search and rescue, Wildlife Disaster Response, Wildlife Hotline, Moss Landing, Malibu, California, 831 840 3896, 831 429 2323, 310 456 8300, EarthWays Foundation,, Edward Dmytryk, Jean Porter, Duane Titus, wildlife, rescue, fraud, liar, not a non-profit, Rebecca Dmytryk, Rebecca Titus, Rebecca Titus Dmytryk, WildRescue, Humane Wildlife Management, Wildlife paramedic, Wildlife search and rescue, Wildlife Disaster Response, Wildlife Hotline, Moss Landing, Malibu, California, 831 840 3896, 831 429 2323, 310 456 8300, EarthWays Foundation,, November 8, 1961, Edward Dmytryk, Jean Porter, Duane Titus, August 7, 1965, wildlife, wild life, rescue, fraud, liar, not a non-profit, wildlife rehabilitation, malice, los angeles, california, fish, game, department, wildlife search and rescue, a guide for first responders, bankruptcy fraud, fraud, acorn electric, wildlife ambulance, 122 strawberry, wastonville, ca, 95076, voice over artist, pet care, mobile, wildlife emergency services, national association for wildlife search and rescue, carmel canines, groomer, restraining order, duane h titus, rebecca t dmytryk, beer can, seagull, skunk, squirrel, raccoon, marine, oil, bird, book, author, actor, fox, coyote, bobcat, opossum, bat, rabies, non profit, pest, control, nuisance, trap, poison, kill, ambulance, oil spill, marmot, hawk, owl, trap, donate, donation, reunite, class, snake, fraud, con, scammer, International Bird Rescue, oil spill, disaster, California Wildlife Center,, Facebook, Twitter, gofundme,

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