Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue

Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue
Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue
Showing posts with label amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amazon. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2013

Rebecca Dmytryk's book "Wildlife Search and Rescue: A Guide for First Responders," a review

I just looked at the table of contents and a couple of pages. I don't think anyone proofed this book. There are huge misspellings even in the table of contents. I'm sorry but if someone doesn't know how to spell "carnivore" I don't believe they know much about wildlife. Lots of grammatical errors besides typos.

I just took a look at a manual Rebecca Dmytryk supposedly wrote called "Wildlife Paramedic 1, Basic training for first responders to wildlife emergencies" printed in 2000. I took her "wildlife paramedic" class in Malibu in 2001.  This is before she moved to Northern California. This manual is also very poorly written. I'd say 98% of the book is copy/paste from other people. In this situation that's a good thing. I remember the advice Rebecca Dmytryk gave during the class. Everyone had to keep correcting her.

Rebecca Dmytryk started off the class by telling us about herself. She told us about her problems with California Wildlife Center. She stated she started CWC all by herself. That's not true. Then she said she met an attorney named Frank Aaron I believe. He then became a board member. She told us that he and another woman then stole CWC away from her. The truth of the matter is the board members voted Rebecca Dmytryk off the board. She did not take that well. I already posted about that lawsuit in this blog. They had to get a restraining order against her.