Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue

Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue
Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue
Showing posts with label rehabber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rehabber. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rebecca Dmytryk of WildRescue has no Fish & Game permit, has never had one ever

I sent in an information act request to the California Department of Fish & Game (now called Fish & Wildlife) to get a copy of any documents they had that mention Rebecca Dmytry, Duane Titus or WildRescue. Here is their response. They had one scribbled note that one rehabber wanted to add Rebecca Dmytryk as a volunteer to help with foxes. That's it. As per Fish & Game Rebecca Dmytryk does not have and has never had a wildlife rehabilitation permit.