Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue

Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue
Rebecca Dmytryk, Bankrupt, Scammer, Wildlife Rescue

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Restraining order against Rebecca Dmytryk by California Wildlife Center

This is a 5.2MB file so I won't embed it. It's linked below. Thanks goes to CWC for letting me know about this situation and telling me where I could find the documents. There are no social security numbers in this file.

California Wildlife Center kicked Rebecca Dmytryk off the board and kicked her off the property. The board claims Rebecca Dmytryk was destroying the organization. I know Rebecca Dmytryk and I believe this. This is a very good read, very entertaining, especially the declarations. It seems Rebecca Dmytryk destroyed property, stole money, drained bank accounts, got in an altercation on the property... California Wildlife Center is much better off without Rebecca Dmytryk. If she weren't kicked off the board, the organization would have closed.

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